The Granary Building , Cahir, Co.Tipperary

Learning Outcomes & Assessment Techniques

Level 5 Agriculture 5M20454

Module Name Module Code Assessment
ATV Operations 5N1752 Exam – 40% Skills – 60%
Beef Husbandry 5N20388 Exam – 50% Skills – 50%
Communications 5N0690 Portfolio – 50% Skills – 50%
Farm Business & Technology 5N20377 Exam – 50% Assignment – 50%
Farm Safety & Farm Assurance 5N20371 Exam – 50% Skills – 30% Assignment – 20%
Grass Production 5N20399 Exam – 50%
Skills – 50%
Principles of
Agriculture 5N20368 Exam – 50% Skills – 50%
Safe Use of Pesticides 5N20380 Exam – 100%
Sheep Husbandry 5N20385 Exam – 50% Skills – 50%
Soils and the Environment 5N20374 Exam – 60% Assignment – 30% Skills – 10%
Work Practice 5N1433 Collection of Work – 40% Learner record – 60%

All Terrain Vehicle Operations

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Outline the role and uses of ATVs in land based industries. Examination - Theory

  • LO2: Interpret legal requirements pertaining to the use of an ATV and ancillary equipment in an off-road situation and on public roads. Examination - Theory

  • LO3: Outline the need for safe and efficient ATV operations to maximise stability on flat, rolling and hilly terrain. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Interpret safety decals, controls and instrument panels for an ATV appropriate to work situations. Skills Demonstration

  • LO5: Carry out routine pre-starting checks specified in the operator’s manual. Skills Demonstration

  • LO6: Drive an ATV around a specified course in a controlled manner appropriate to the terrain and surface conditions. Skills Demonstration

  • LO7: Operate an ATV effectively and in accordance with safety requirements. Skills Demonstration

  • LO8: Operate an ATV effectively with ancillary equipment for a range of tasks. Skills Demonstration

Beef Husbandry

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Discuss beef production in the context of importance in Irish agriculture, distribution of production and market requirements. Examination - Theory

  • LO2: Discuss factors affecting efficiency in beef production including management and bio+ LOgical efficiency factors. Examination - Theory

  • LO3: Analyse the effectiveness of Irish beef production systems by assessing husbandry practices required to achieve optimal economic and animal performance for different systems of Irish beef production. Examination - Theory

  • LO4: Describe component systems of beef production and their respective key physical and economic efficiency indicators. Examination - Theory

  • LO5: Describe diseases, disorders and parasites of cattle and their control. Examination - Theory

  • LO6: Discuss best practice in cattle husbandry tasks required for beef production. Examination - Theory

  • LO7: Analyse housing for cattle production. Examination – Theory

  • LO8: Assess a range of beef animals for economic characteristics using recognised criteria. Skills Demonstration

  • LO9: Control common diseases affecting the health of cattle, by planning and implementing prevention strategies and by correctly identifying and treating their symptoms in accordance with and using recommended good practices. Skills Demonstration

  • LO10: Execute husbandry tasks required for the beef production cycle in accordance with human and animal safety, animal welfare, traceability requirements and best practice. Skills Demonstration

  • LO11: Perform breeding tasks required for Skills Demonstration efficient beef production.

  • LO12: Analyse drivers of profit of beef production and explore practices to attain industry recognised targets. Examination - Theory

  • LO13: Practice safety and workplace health in agriculture. Examination – Theory Communications

Farm Business and Technology

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Analyse the agribusiness sector in Ireland including a range of enterprises, and the role of government, non-governmental and co- operative agencies. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Examine the range of documents and information needed for compiling physical and financial records for a farm including various methods of safely storing and retrieving them. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Use correct terminology to effectively communicate a farm business. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Examine the role of information technology in farm management. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Discuss key indicators commonly used in the measurement of physical and financial performance and recognise key drivers of profit. Examination – Theory

  • LO6: Discuss different types of farm credit and its associated terms and conditions. Examination – Theory

  • LO7: Discuss current government and other schemes, their benefits, terms and conditions for the main agriculture sectors. Examination – Theory

  • LO8: Examine the business benefits of a strong safety culture to agriculture. Examination – Theory

  • LO9: Use common software packages and externally linked devices taking account of best practice and correct protocol in computer workstation ergonomics. Skills Demonstration

  • LO10: Apply a range of agriculture appropriate smart technology apps and IT to solve or answer agriculture industry related queries including recording appropriate agriculture related data. Skills Demonstration

  • LO11: Analyse a range of reports produced by a computerised cash follow program with respect to key agriculture performance indicators. Examination – Theory

  • LO12: Use government and commercial Skills Demonstration agricultural websites to gather and submit physical and financial information.

  • LO13: Practice the completion of a range of relevant current agriculture scheme documentation. Skills Demonstration

  • LO14: Calculate and relate agriculture data to performance. Skills Demonstration

  • LO15: Practice safety and workplace health in agriculture. Skills Demonstration

Farm Safety and Farm Assurance

Learning Outcome: Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Discuss the main causes of accidents, injuries and health related issues on Irish farms. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Examine the duties of farmers and farm workers under current safety, compliance and regulatory requirements and environmental legislation. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Discuss risk assessment and its implementation. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Describe safe methods of work in agriculture, farm building and farmyard design considerations in relation to safe farming operations. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Describe farm related health problems and their prevention. Examination – Theory

  • LO6: Examine on-farm ethics and obligations under current EU and Irish legislation regarding ethical animal welfare principles. Examination – Theory

  • LO7: Analyse the role of farming in the food chain, food assurance and traceability requirements in agriculture. Examination – Theory

  • LO8: Discuss best practice in animal medications, remedies and plant protection products at farm level. Examination – Theory

  • LO9: Discuss behaviour of agricultural vehicles when in use in a range of common situations and current regulations pertaining to agricultural vehicles. Examination – Theory

  • LO10: Safely execute common farm safety and farm assurance operations including operation a tractor/trailer combination and attaching a mounted PTO driven machine. Skills Demonstration

  • LO11: Practice the steps in identifying and managing safety risks in the work place. Assignment

Grass Production

Learning Outcome & Learning Technique

  • LO1: Discuss the importance of grass and clover to agriculture production in Ireland. Examination

  • LO2: Describe the factors which influence sward growth, quality and the annual production pattern of a grass sward taking account of plant anatomy, seed mixtures, and the effect of farming operations on soil and grass growth. Examination

  • LO3: Describe the management practices and infrastructure required which influence sward growth, quality and utilisation. Examination

  • LO4: Examine the principles and benefits of grass budgeting and grass measurement. Examination

  • LO5: Examine reseeding and the various methods of reseeding including the establishment of a grass sward, and the use of clover. Examination

  • LO6: Describe the production, conservation principles and management factors involved in making quality grass silage, hay and forage crops. Examination

  • LO7: Examine productive and non-productive grass swards, including assessing the composition of a sward to determine need for reseeding. Skills Demonstration

  • LO8: Calculate a winter forage budget including assessing the quality and quantity of forage in storage. Skills Demonstration

  • LO9: Practice grass measurement. Skills Demonstration

  • LO10: Practice fencing skills in accordance with recommended good practice. Skills Demonstration

  • LO11: Execute maintenance tasks on a water supply. Skills Demonstration

Principles of Agriculture

  • LO1: Discuss agriculture in a national and global context and the consequent responsibility at farm level including the basic human right to food, food security, quality production, sustainability and environmental responsibilities. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Describe plant and animal cells, their organelles, function and division. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Describe plant anatomy and its function in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Describe the anatomy physiology and function of the animal body of common agriculture animals including reproductive systems and various digestive systems. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Discuss the basic living processes and life cycles of animals and plants. Examination – Theory

  • LO6: Investigate Irish agriculture by sector, enterprise, product and market to include dairying, dry stock and tillage production. Examination – theory

  • LO7: Discuss the production operations for the fol+ LOwing agriculture production systems: calf to beef production, spring calving dairy herd, mid-season lamb production and spring barley production. Examination – Theory

  • LO8: Discuss a range of other relevant systems to agriculture, horticulture and land use production such as forestry, pigs, poultry, nursery stock production, fruit, apiculture and others as appropriate. Examination – Theory

  • LO9: Discuss animal behaviour and the principles of safely handling livestock. Examination – Theory

  • LO10: Discuss animal and crop traceability systems in Ireland. Examination – Theory

  • LO11: Identify a range of plants commonly found on Irish farms to include native weeds, Skills Demonstration

Grasses, tillage, feed and forage crops and their categories.

  • LO12: Practice common agriculture skills and tasks using best practice and in a safe manner. Skills Demonstration

  • LO13: Implement best practice in controlling illness and disorders in livestock. Skills Demonstration

  • LO14: Practice safety and workplace health in agriculture. Skills Demonstration

Safe Use of Pesticides

Learning Outcomes Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Outline risks and benefits associated with plant pesticide product use. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Outline current national and EU legal requirements of the Sustainable Use Directive in regard to the safe use of pesticide products at professional user level. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Explain tank mixing. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Discuss the principles of safe storage, transport and handling of pesticides. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Outline the current principles and implementation of “Good Plant Protection Practice” (GPPP). Examination – Theory

  • LO6: Determine the optimum practice for the implementation of GPPP to take place and maintain records in accordance with current national and EU requirements. Examination – Theory

  • LO7: Demonstrate knowledge required by the professional user for dealing with accidents/incidents involving spillages, contamination and poisoning at a personal, environmental and public level. Examination – Theory

  • LO8: Outline the storage of plant protection products at professional user level including disposal of empty containers, and safe disposal of obsolete plant protection products and its packaging. Examination – Theory

  • LO9: Demonstrate knowledge of routes of contamination and the implementation appropriate procedures for personal hygiene to prevent personal contamination. Examination – Theory

  • LO10: Demonstrate knowledge of current practices to reduce pesticide impact on the environment. Examination – Theory

  • LO11: Outline a system of work at professional user level to comply with current national and EU regulations around the safe Examination – Theory

use of pesticides from the time the pesticide product is purchased to its final disposal off farm.

  • LO12: Outline the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment required in the safe use of pesticide products.

Examination – Theory

  • LO13: Outline the continuous professional development training required for the safe use of pesticide products and resources available to ensure best practice. Examination – Theory

  • LO14: Outline the key current legislative compliance, quality assurance, environmental issues and key practical steps relevant to the use of substances hazardous to the environment including biocides at producer level. Examination – Theory

  • LO15: Interpret the information on a pesticide label and SDS sheets. Examination – Theory

  • LO16: Carry out risk assessment and identify appropriate control measures in the safe use of pesticide products to prevent accidents or ill- health.

Examination – Theory

Sheep Husbandry

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Describe the principles and role of flock production including importance in Irish agriculture, lamb production systems, and flock performance. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Review management and biological factors affecting efficiency in sheep production in terms of health and feed, and feed mixes. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Describe a range of lamb production systems including breeding calendar and physical and economic performance. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Investigate a system of lamb production, appropriate to a specific farm situation. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Investigate diseases, disorders and parasites of ewes and lambs including bio- security measures, casual agents, symptoms, prevention and control measures. Examination – Theory

  • LO6: Analyse housing for sheep production to include human and animal health, welfare, safety and efficiency and cost of construction. Examination – Theory

  • LO7: Perform peri-natal tasks with ewes and lambs using recognised techniques and performance standards. Skills Demonstration

  • LO8: Assess a range of ewes and lambs for economic characteristics, by applying recognised criteria. Skills Demonstration

  • LO9: Prevent and control common diseases and disorders affecting the health of ewes and lambs using recognised techniques and performance standards. Skills Demonstration

  • LO10: Perform sheep breeding tasks using recognised techniques and performance standards. Skills Demonstration

  • LO11: Perform sheep husbandry skills taking into account human and animal safety, animal welfare, and traceability requirements and best practice. Skills Demonstration

  • LO12: Investigate drivers of profit of sheep production and explore practices to attain industry recognised targets. Skills Demonstration

Soils and the Environment

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Describe soils in terms of classification, type, distribution in Ireland, formation and properties of productive and non-productive soils. Examination - Theory

  • LO2: Describe the physical and chemical composition and features of soils and their relevance for modern farming practices. Examination - Theory

  • LO3: Describe agriculture practices affecting soil structure, their implications for soils and key soil improvement practices. Examination - Theory

  • LO4: Describe the biological fraction of soil. Examination - Theory

  • LO5: Discuss soil nutrition and related environmental legislation, sources and roles of nutrients, maximising nutrient value of fertilisers and farm bi-products, storage and practical implications at farm level. Examination - Theory

  • LO6: Investigate the practical implications for agriculture of current Irish and European Union environmental protection legislation and scheme. Examination - Theory

  • LO7: Take a soil sample and investigate the soil texture. Skills Demonstration

  • LO8: Interpret a soil analysis report. Project

  • LO9: Recommend a fertiliser plan for the economic production of a given crop using best practice.


  • LO10: Analyse an environmental audit at farm level. Project

  • LO11: Interpret codes of good agricultural practice for the application of fertilisers and organic manures. Examination – Theory

  • LO12: Interpret safety and workplace health requirements when handling and storing fertiliser and lime products. Examination – Theory

Work Practice

Note: A Work Practice Diary must be completed for this module.

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Summarise the distinguishing features of the organisation, institution or workplace to include its status (public, private, voluntary, other) size, organisational structure, main aims and its overall work, staff client engagement and management practices. Work Practice Diary

  • LO2: Comment on current issues, challenges and trends affecting the organisation, institution or workplace, to include as appropriate, local national, global, economic, social and/or ethical issues. Work Practice Diary

  • LO3: Summarise the main legislation and regulations relevant to the place of work; to include health, safety and welfare at work, employment, equality and matters related to the specific vocational context. Work Practice Diary

  • LO4: Explain the organisation’s internal and external policies and procedures pertinent to its own role and the role of others. Work Practice Diary

  • LO5: Conclude a minimum 2 month work practice placement undertaking a range of vocationally specific tasks and activities. Work Practice Diary

  • LO6: Select information required for a range of work-based tasks to include analysis of information and application of knowledge to new situations. Work Practice Diary

  • LO7: Work independently carrying out a range of vocationally specific activities and tasks in the organisation, institution or workplace, seeking advice and general direction as appropriate. Work Practice Diary

  • LO8: Demonstrate positively membership of the training organisation or team; maintaining time-keeping, personal presentation, meeting deadlines and adherence to health, safety and other relevant regulations and practice. Work Practice Diary

  • LO9: Execute work practice tasks and responsibilities in a professional and safe manner. Work Practice Diary

  • LO10: Reflect on personal work practices, to include feedback from supervisor(s) or mentors on personal performance, achievements and challenges. Work Practice Diary

  • LO11: Review personal and professional learning to include identifying strengths and weaknesses, learning and career opportunities within the vocational field and within the organisation, institution or workplace. Work Practice Diary

Level 6 Farming 6S20487

Module Name - Module - Code


Applied Livestock Breeding

6N3525 Assignment – 100%

Farm Management & Business Planning

6N20462 Assignment 1 – 50% Assignment 2 – 20% Exam – 30%

Farm Performance Measurement

6N3005 Project – 100%

Grassland Management

6N20472 Assignment – 60% Exam – 20% Skills – 20%

Sustainable Farming in the Environment

6N20463 Assignment – 60% Exam – 40%

Work Practice 6N1947 Collection of Work – 40%

Skills – 60%

Applied Livestock Breeding

Learning Outcome Assessment Techniques

  • LO1: Explain current breeding indices used to evaluate animals for a livestock enterprise. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO2: Devise a livestock breeding policy, programme and calendar for a farm enterprise. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO3: Establish current performance measurement and benchmark data for a livestock enterprise in regard to economic breeding indices. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO4: Set targets and criteria for improving breeding indices for a livestock enterprise. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO5: Record animal events data for use in a livestock breeding programme to include a range of the following: artificial insemination, natural service, pregnancy diagnosis, drying-off, health events, animal weights and body condition scores. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO6: Produce animal and herd reports relating to livestock breeding, parturition and slaughter using a database system. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO7: Interpret animal and herd reports generated from a database. Portfolio – Assessment

  • LO8: Use sire advice reports to aid in the selection of sires for a livestock enterprise.

Portfolio – Assessment

Farm Management and Business Planning

  • LO1: Explain liability and risk relating to agriculture activity. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Assess the effect of EU and National legislation on the running of a given farm situation. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Outline supports available to farmers from government, state agencies and other nongovernmental organisations. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: Appraise the taxation system in relation to agriculture. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Assess financial services and credit requirements available to farmers. Examination – Theory

  • LO6: Appraise stakeholders and external supports associated with agriculture business. Examination – Theory

  • LO7: Assess efficiency, output and business performance of a given farm situation. Project

  • LO8: Deveelop and evaluate realistic options to improve a given agriculture situation, taking account of EU and National environmental legislation. Project

  • LO9: Predict benefits and implications of implementing a change to an agriculture situation including using cost benefit analysis and calculating loan repayments. Project

  • LO10: Cost a realistic development for a given agricultural business situation. Project

  • LO11: Investigate succession, inheritance, ownership, title and business arrangements pertinent to agriculture. Assignment

  • LO12: Calculate costs of transferring Assignment ownership of farm property.

  • LO13: Investigate an alternative enterprise appropriate to the land based sector. Assignment

  • LO14: Appraise health, safety and welfare management for a given agricultural business situation. Examination – Theory

Farm Performance Measurement

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Describe the principles of farm performance measurement and benchmarking techniques. Project

  • LO2: Assess the role and application of comparative performance measurement and benchmarking in current farming practice. Project

  • LO3: Analyse a set of comparative farm performance data in regard to the key variations arising and their implications for a given farm situation. Project

  • LO4: Evaluate the role of farm discussion groups in assisting comparative farm performance measurement. Project

  • LO5: Evaluate the role and application of information technology systems and databases in farm performance measurement for a given situation. Project

  • LO6: Identify the latest research findings, extension/industry programmes and technology developments supporting farm performance measurement and benchmarking for a given agricultural sector.


  • LO7: Conduct a farm benchmarking exercise. Project

Grassland Management

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Describe the growth habit, annual production pattern and factors influencing grass sward growth and quality. Examination – Theory

  • LO2: Outline the principles and benefits of grass measurement and budgeting. Examination – Theory

  • LO3: Outline reseeding and establishment requirements for grass. Examination – Theory

  • LO4: List actions required when grass covers are either higher or lower than target. Examination – Theory

  • LO5: Calculate dry matter yield (cover) in a paddock (field) using a quadrant and grass cutter. Skills Demonstration

  • LO6: Determine the daily grass requirement for a given herd. Skills Demonstration

  • LO7: Establish grass covers and targets for optimum grass utilisation on a given dairy, cattle or sheep farm to include livestock details, paddock details, paddock covers, target covers, average cover and grass demand per hectare per day. Assignment

  • LO8: Complete a grass budget for a given farm situation to include spring rotation planner, summer wedge and autumn budget. Assignment

Sustainable Farming in the Environment

Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Outline the effects of farming on the environment. Examination - Theory

  • LO2: Describe wildlife habitats of Irish agriculture. Examination - Theory

  • LO3: Describe measures to protect and enhance wildlife and biodiversity. Examination - Theory

  • LO4: Outline hedgerow management and its role in sustainability. Examination - Theory

  • LO5: Evaluate the suitability and impact of environmental protection schemes for a given farm situation. Examination - Theory

  • LO6: Outline requirements for compliance in respect of EU legislation in relation to the environment. Examination - Theory

  • LO7: Describe key considerations and methods in agriculture sustainable development. Examination - Theory

  • LO8: Outline policies and strategies for reducing the greenhouse impact of agriculture. Examination - Theory

  • LO9: Carry out an environmental resource audit for a given farm situation. Assignment

  • LO10: Evaluate energy used, efficiency and energy conservation principles of a given agricultural situation. Assignment

  • LO11: Draw up a manure management programme for a given agricultural situation. Assignment

  • LO12: Devise an integrated pest management plan for a given agricultural situation. Assignment Work Practice

NOTE: A Work Practice Diary must be completed for this module. Learning Outcome Assessment Technique

  • LO1: Evaluate the characteristics of the organisation or workplace, to include its status whether public, private, voluntary or other, size, organisational structure, mission and values, the workplace culture and management practices. Work Practice Diary

  • LO2: Assess internal and external issues, challenges and trends affecting the workplace, to include as appropriate, local, national, global, team-based and cultural issues and a personal response to the issue or challenges identified. Work Practice Diary

  • LO3: Research the specific legislation and regulations relevant to the place of work and vocational context; including rights and responsibilities in relation to health, safety and welfare at work, equality, employment and specific work and or vocational practices. Work Practice Diary

  • LO4: Evaluate the organisations internal and external policies and procedures ensuring appropriateness to current legislation and regulations. Work Practice Diary

  • LO5: Execute a range of vocationally specific tasks and activities during a minimum 2 month workplace placement. Work Practice Diary

  • LO6: Apply effective communication skills in Work Practice Diary communicating with colleagues, staff and external individuals or groups as required working autonomously or in a supervisory capacity.

  • LO7: Allocate resources to analyse and solve routine and non-routine problems arising in the workplace.

Work Practice Diary

  • LO8: Show judgement and initiative while working autonomously and/or in a supervisory capacity, taking responsibility for own work and the work of others and allocating resources as required. Work Practice Diary

  • LO9: Contribute positively to the achievement of objectives and/or targets in the workplace working autonomously and/or with responsibility for the work of others. Work Practice Diary

  • LO10: Execute work practice duties and responsibilities in a professional manner ensuring respect and safety colleagues and staff. Work Practice Diary

  • LO11: Reflect on personal and professional work practices, to include feedback from senior staff or mentors and colleagues or team workers on individual performance, achievements, strengths and challenges.Work Practice Diary

  • LO12: Review at own learning and progress and that of others within the workplace or team, to include identification of personal and professional skills, abilities and strengths, areas for development and opportunities for learning and career development within the vocational field.