Green Cert Course | Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional information, relevant to your QQI award, is provided bellow in the form of answers to FAQs.
Q: What is QQI?
On 6 November 2012, Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) ( was established as a new integrated agency (replacing FETAC, HETAC, NQAI and incorporating the functions of IUQB). FETAC, HETAC and the NQAI are now dissolved.
Q: What is the difference between QQI and FETAC?
The Further Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) was the awarding body for further education and training in Ireland. FETAC made quality assured awards that were part of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) from levels 1-6.
Q: What is the NFQ?
The National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) is a system of ten levels used to describe the Irish qualifications system.
Q: How are QQI awards graded?
Distinction D 80%-100% Merit M 65%-79% Pass P 50%- 64% Unsatisfactory U bellow 50%
Q: What happens if I miss an assignment/project submission date?
Late submissions WILL be penalised. However, you can request an extension of the submission deadline on the basis of ‘extenuating circumstances’. Your request must be accompanied by supporting documentation.
Q: What is a Learning Outcome?
An award is expressed in terms of Learning Outcomes. These describe the knowledge, skill and competences required to achieve an award.
Q: Will I be assessed on all Learning Outcomes?
Yes, candidates MUST be given the opportunity to show evidence of achievement of ALL the learning outcomes for an award.
Q: When will I get the results of my assessment?
Assessment results for an award are issued through the Farm Ed Ltd offices at Cahir, Co Tipperary.
Q: If unsuccessful, can I repeat an assessment?
You will be advised on the assessment repeat position on course commencement.
Q: What can I do if I’m unhappy with my assessment
If dis-satisfied with the outcome of an assessment a candidate has the opportunity to appeal the final (approved) result.